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The artist

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Andres Cimas Ramos, born in Barcelona in 1979, is a multidisciplinary artistic painter.


From an early age he had an incredible and insatiable passion for painting and drawing.

This urge led him to investigate a myriad of techniques and materials, which resulted in

a rich variety of pictorial blends and textures, that all have an oneiric atmosphere.


In his work a wide range of topics are displayed, that have in common a portrayal

of a vision of reality, filtered through a dream world.


If you surrender to it, you get to actually enter his work, discovering different

aspects and meanings each time you look, while you subconsciously create your

own interpretation of what you see.



Andres has exhibited his work in cities like London, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid or Dubai.

"If you surrender to it, you get to actually enter his work, discovering different aspects and meanings each time you look, while you subconsciously create your own interpretation of what you see".

© 2014 by Andres Cimas Paintings All rights reserved.

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